
WYPrintWorkshop / News / Fri 29 Apr 2016

Frottage: Graphite rubbings from Paper Stencils - Free Workshop

Frottage: Graphite rubbings from Paper Stencils -  Free Workshop


As part of the Studio Holder exhibition 'Process and Practice' at West Yorkshire Print Workshop, Jenny Thomas will be running a FREE drop in workshop in the Gallery.

Jenny has been a studio holder at The West Yorkshire Print Workshop for over 14 years.

"I have made a collection of images of building types, from field barns to warehouses, bungalows, town houses and tower blocks.The buildings are assembled together in a variety of ways to make imaginary towns. I use the processes of linocut and woodcut, and print the blocks either with a platen press, or hand burnish using a baren and a boxwood modelling tool. I have also used the ‘frottage’ technique (a rubbing) using a graphite stick.

The blocks are all mounted onto plywood to make them easy to handle, and turn them into objects themselves, rather than being the vehicle for a print."

The exhibition and events exist thanks to the 'Grant for the Arts' Lottery & public funding awarded to our WYPW Artists by Arts Council England.

Friday, 6 May 2016 from 13:00 to 16:00

For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/frottage-graphite-rubbings-from-paper-stencils-workshop-tickets-24682469932?aff=erellivmlt

News Location

West Yorkshire Print Workshop

75A Huddersfield Rd, Mirfield WF14 8AT
WF14 8AT

Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: info@wypw.org
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/frottage-graphite-rubbings-from-paper-stencils-workshop-tickets-24682469932?aff=erellivmlt

News Details