NatalNotes Creative Writing & Visual Workshops for Memoir & Wellbeing
Natal Notes was conceived in early 2020, following the rising pandemic and the removal of physical support spaces for creativity.
Mixing visual arts and creative writing, our workshops are designed primarily to support periods of transition; we use prompts to inspire creative output, and facilitate supportive exploration around topics such as pregnancy, birth, life and death.
Maternal Journal; Maternal Journal uses creative journaling to explore thoughts, feelings and experiences through pregnancy, birth and beyond for positive mental health and wellbeing. These workshops are best suited to those who are pregnant or who have birthed/adopted/have welcomed children into their care in the last 5 years, however during the pandemic they have remained open to all parents and carers.
Natal Notes; Weekly workshops to explore visual creative writing techniques for memoir - open to all ages from 18+
Otherhood; Visual arts and Creative Writing workshops to safely explore first person experiences of miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death - please note that these workshops are limited in numbers to assist open peer support and sharing.
Our facilitator;
Fanny is a multi-disciplinary artist, working primarily with sound, memoir and creative writing in her independent practice, as well as in facilitation, alongside visual journalling. Fanny has a keen focus on improving emotional health and wellbeing via accessible creativity.
Fanny is an affiliated group leader and author with maternaljournal.org and is a founding member of the Huddersfield based Yorkshire Sound Women Network (YSWN -https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/). She is also a project lead for the Huddersfield & Halifax Mothers Who Make (https://motherswhomake.org/).
Outside of her immediate creative practice, Fanny is a 360° Doula, working across pregnancy, birth, life and death.
View my website https://facebook.com/natalnotes/
My Location
Email: hellonatalnotes@gmail.com
Website: https://facebook.com/natalnotes/