Watford and Bushey Art Society

Watford and Bushey Art Society Membership

We are a friendly Art Society who meet once a month, in Watford. We welcome new members whether you are an experienced artist, are just starting out your journey, or are simply interested in how art is made.
Exciting artists and speakers come to demonstrate art in various styles and mediums, or entertain us with relevant in depth talks. Also, there are several opportunities for members to exhibit their own art work.
If you are interested in our Society, take a look at our website for more information. www.wbas.org

View my website http://www.wbas.org/

My Location


Lady's Close
WD18 0AE
WD18 0AE

Telephone: 07808 762 685
Email: jess.ponsford@ntlworld.com
Website: http://www.wbas.org/

Profile Details

My News

Watford and Bushey Art Society / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2022-03-30T00:00:00Z">Wed 30 Mar 2022</span>Watford and Bushey Art Society / Wed 30 Mar 2022

At Watford and Bushey Arts Society we have excellent professional artists come to demonstrate various styles, techniques and mediums, or lecture on related subjects. Our monthly meetings usually occur on the first Tuesda...

My Events

AN ILLUSTRATED TALK ON THE GLASGOW BOYS BY RONNIE IRELAND / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-04T00:00:00Z">Tue 04 Feb 2025</span>AN ILLUSTRATED TALK ON THE GLASGOW BOYS BY RONNIE IRELAND / Tue 04 Feb 2025

Ronnie Ireland returns to bring Art History to life with an illustrated talk about the Glasgow Boys. If you've heard about this group of artists, but don't know much about them, come to find out more at the Tennet Hall i...