GraduateOn is managed by the University of Chichester and links recent graduates and local businesses together to provide paid internship opportunities in West Sussex and its neighbouring counties. Since 2008 it has found over 100 work opportunities, many leading to permanent jobs.
GraduateOn offers subsidies to employers, internship opportunities to graduates from any University, and a CV assessment service to University of Chichester graduates.
GraduateOn will:
Provide £1,000 subsidy to your business, if you are able to offer a 10 week internship with a salary equivalent to £8.00 per hour or more.
Assist you to draft the job description to advertise your vacancy
Advertise the post for free on this website and in our Careers department
Forward the applicants’ CVs to you, to allow you to select who to interview
For longer or more advanced projects, we can offer academic support to your graduate employee.
There is no obligation to employ the graduate beyond the internship period.
For graduates from any University, who have graduated within the last 3 years, we offer a range of internships across West Sussex and neighbouring areas notified to you via email once you have registered.
For University of Chichester graduates only, we can offer a CV assessment, where a business expert will personally check your CV by email and in a face-to-face meeting, to prepare you for job applications.
Please contact the GraduateOn team, 01243 812075 graduateon@chi.ac.ukThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Alternative numbers are: 01243 812051 or 01243 812135
For more information visit http://www.graduateon.net/
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Website: http://www.graduateon.net/