Tempo Arts organises publicly engaged contemporary visual arts, artists’ film & video, performance and sound projects in the UK and internationally. We work with emerging and established critically engaged artists supporting their research and professional development through the creation of new site-specific work which both engages and is presented to a range of arts audiences.
Community empowerment is at the core of our projects and we facilitate creative opportunities with people who have limited access and exposure to high quality and innovative cultural activities which encourage and maintain transferable skills.
Many of our projects involve people who live in areas of deprivation or who have challenging life situations. We work in an inclusive way to ensure that the people engaging in the activities shape their direction and outputs, bringing their own experiences and interests to create relevant exhibitions and events with artists. In doing so, our projects build confidence and self-worth, promoting aspiration within individuals and communities.
To achieve this, we work flexibly with a range of public, private and community based organisational partners, initiating and delivering projects; partnering organisations to ensure high quality and appropriate artistic and public engagement programmes; project managing arts projects on behalf of others.
View my website http://www.tempoarts.org.uk/
My Location
73 Hughenden Road
TN34 3TF
Telephone: 07900 588 263
Email: tempoarts@jamesshea.co.uk
Website: http://www.tempoarts.org.uk/
My Events
Your Place - Get involved / Mon 27 to Sun 05 Jul 2020 (-21 days)
Tempo Arts' second commission for 'Your Place' has started. Claudia Kappenberg's on-line project 'The Hastings Book of the Earth - Fantasy Funerals' will launch during August. Kappenberg's new work responds to the pan...