Explore the rich history of St Albans with a visit to one of our fascinating museums.
Discover the Roman heritage of St Albans at Verulamium Museum or visit St Albans Museum + Gallery for cutting edge art installations, historic exhibitions and touring blockbuster shows.
View my website https://www.stalbansmuseums.org.uk/
My Location
St Albans Museums
Town Hall
St Peter's Street
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 864 511
Email: museum@stalbans.gov.uk
Website: https://www.stalbansmuseums.org.uk/
My Events
Pressing Issues: Printing and reflection with Suman Gujral / Sun 03 Oct 2021
Print has been used as a medium for protest and social commentary throughout history. As part of our exhibition ‘Chroniclers of history’, which explores the power of the writing of history, Suman Gujral will share her re...
Masked emotion / Thu 20 May 2021
Join St Albans Museums for a talk bringing together three professionals whose work this year has led them to explore the relationship between the arts and wellbeing in Hertfordshire. They will specifically discuss how lo...
Putting the pieces together: mosaic workshop / Sun 18 Apr 2021
Join curator David Thorold and mosaicist Audrey Montet for a workshop inspired by Verulamium’s historic mosaics. David will tell the stories behind the construction of some of the mosaics featured at the museum, and Audr...