Speaking Up for Disability is a two year project exploring the history, life stories and experiences of disabled people across West Sussex from the 1940s to the present day. In addition to this website, we are also creating an exhibition and unique archive of materials that will capture the hidden area of history in the county.
Oral history - the recording of people's stories in their own words - is the main approach that we are using. However, we are also gathering photographs, paper records and objects that help to tell the wider story of disability.
In addition, we will look at the history of the organisations that were set up to help disabled people, such as Voice for Disability and the Independent Living Association, and the changes that they have gone though in this time.
We arelooking for volunteers and participants for the project so get in touch nicola.benge@ilawestsussex.org if you would like more information
View my website http://www.speakingupfordisability.org.uk/