Voluntary Arts & Volunteering

Do-it is a UK-wide database of volunteering opportunities. Find your perfect volunteering opportunity or charity job or recruit volunteers or staff for your not-for-profit organisation.

Running Your Group
Running Your Group is a one-stop shop for instant guidance on all aspects of running a voluntary group. The site provides a number of packages, from a free quick reference tool to in-depth interactive guides.

Voluntary Arts
Voluntary Arts works to promote and increase active participation in cultural activities across the UK. The site lists opportunities for getting involved in local voluntary arts and lots of resources to help your group.

Volunteering in the Arts Toolkit
Written by Voluntary Arts and Volunteering England and drawing on their experience and knowledge, this toolkit has been produced to support small and medium-sized arts groups who are looking to improve the support they offer volunteers.

Torbay Community Development Trust


"The Torbay Community Development Trust wants Torbay to be a place where all people feel included and can become involved in growing a thriving local community