Oxjam Torquay is a series of music events produced and managed by a merry band of volunteers, culminating in a multi venue event on 21st October 2012.The events shine a national spotlight on amazing local talent and raise money to help Oxfam projects both in the UK and abroad.
We have our Oxjam Takeover event coming up where we takeover the whole of Torquay Harbour side - we have 60 bands in 5 venues all for a £5 wristband to get you into all destinations.
The venues are Offshore, Shamus O'Donnells, The Yacht, The Green Room and The Attic!
The bands playing are all genres of music from mellow acoustic, old school rock and some heavier stuff - things to suit all tastes!
Heres our website for links to all of our wonderful sponsors: http://oxjamtorquay.co.uk/
And here is the link to our Torquay Takeover Event - please share it if you're coming: https://www.facebook.com/events/423677491001000/?fref=ts
We are really in need of volunteers! People to check wristbands, shake buckets and handle money! Or street performers to give it a full on festival feel - please get in touch if you can help in any way! Email on OxjamTorquay@gmail.com or feel free to give me a ring on 07870845936
View my website http://oxjamtorquay.co.uk/
My Location
Torquay Harbour Side
Telephone: 07870 845 936
Email: charli101@hotmail.com
Website: http://oxjamtorquay.co.uk/
My Events
Oxjam Music Festival Torquay / Sun 21 Oct 2012
The Oxjam Torquay Takeover has 5 venues, 6 rooms and over 60 bands to entertain you on Sunday 21st October. To really create that festival vibe you will also find street artists, and as much craziness as we can muster. ...
My Opportunities
Oxjam Music Festival Torquay Volunteers needed!! / Sun 21 Oct 2012
So on October 21 we have a festival running in Torquay raising money for Oxfam! Its called the Oxjam Takeover event - where we takeover the whole of Torquay Harbour side - we have 60 bands in 5 venues all for a £5 wri...