Juliette Goddard MA(RCA) / Videos
Desert Haze - Paintings animation drawingsby Juliette Goddard
A video made with the Paintings of Juliette Goddard and the animation skill of film maker from Kenya , whom won many awards for her Yellow Fever film after leaving the Royal College of Art London.Exhibited in the USA The Dead have Dreams Grizzly Grizzly Philadelphia Pennsylvania www.grizzlygrizzley.com alongside Ngendo Mukki August 2and 2013 6pm -10pm guest curator
For more information visit http://www.juliettegoddard.co.uk/
Video Location
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
319 N 11th street 2nd floor Philadelphia PA 19107 www.grizzlygrizzley.com
Website: http://www.juliettegoddard.co.uk/