North Herts Museum

North Herts Museum / Events / Tue 06 Aug to Sun 29 Sep 2024 (2 months)

Bal Singh and the Khalsa Football Academy

Bal Singh and the Khalsa Football Academy

6 August – 29 September 2024

This exhibition looks at Letchworth’s award winning Khalsa Football Academy (KFA), its founder Bal Singh, and highlights its Striving for Unity project, which has helped combat racism across the country and further afield. The striking poster panels in this exhibition show, on just a small scale, how far the positive message of Bal and the KFA has travelled, through their Striving for Unity project. Has the project visited the stadium of your favourite team?

This exhibition is in The Arches, part of the upstairs Terrace Gallery

Admission is free

For more information visit

Event Location

North Herts Museum

Brand Street, Hitchin

Telephone: 01462 474 554

Event Details