Mike Atkinson Cartoonist, illustrator and Satirist ATKINSONFUNNYBIZ
Mike finds FUNNY BUSINESS everywhere to
cartoon and satirise. He mocks hypocrisy amongst
'Green Collar Workers' and backbiting by political
and media luvvies. Gentler fun is poked in his
comic strips and corporate greeting cards. His new
hit cartoon PORTLAND BILL is the saga of old salt
Bill who keeps a wise but beady eye on boating
trends in the top magazine, Boating Business.
Click on 'VIEW WEBSITE' top right for more
wicked satire and 'toons, Zen Koan wit and wisdom.
Visit www.atkinsonfunnytrains.com for more
railway cartoons by Vernon Atkinson.
Contact Mike on : artwarmingtoons@gmail.com
View my website http://atkinsonfunnybiz.blogspot.com/
My Location
Email: artwarmingtoons@gmail.com
Website: http://atkinsonfunnybiz.blogspot.com/