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A Carer's Story

A Carer's Story

A moving story of one carers experience following her mums stroke. She attended a group session with other carers talking about their support needs in their caring roles. The session enabled her to use collage art to exp.....Read more

A great business, leisure & cultural offer

A great business, leisure & cultural offer

Throughout this week we plan to keep you updated with a post a day on just what a BID is, what Huddersfield BID's key aims are, what we have already delivered and our short, medium and long term goals. So, what are the p.....Read more

A series of Floral Oil Paintings for Herts Open Studios

A series of Floral Oil Paintings for Herts Open Studios

This is the second of the 3 paintings I’ve been working on, lots of layers of transparent and opaque oils, finished off with a light dusting of pastels. This painting is going into the South Mill Arts Open Studios in Her.....Read more

About Electric Umbrella

About Electric Umbrella

Challenging the perception of people with learning disabilities by empowering and enriching lives through music. To find out more, make a donation or get involved please visit Registered .....Read more

Artists Guide to Art Fair Prep

Artists Guide to Art Fair Prep

IVE have a collection of online courses for you to learn skills in making and creating, alongside a film to support emerging artists in their preparation to take part in selling shows. This video gives an introduction t.....Read more

Author Catriona Troth interviewed on The Creative Herts Show

Author Catriona Troth interviewed on The Creative Herts Show

Catriona Troth, author, writer and novelist talks to Ronit Gerber about her writing and publishing career. Since publishing her two novels in 2013, Catriona Troth has found herself part of a network of writing familie.....Read more