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Supported using public funding by Arts Council England

Supported using public funding by Arts Council England

Grant award logo..Read more

Torbay Music Hub

Torbay Music Hub

Inspiring and enabling a musical journey for the Young People of Torbay..Read more

Mistore Logo on white

Mistore Logo on white

Our logo - white version..Read more

Mistore Logo on black

Mistore Logo on black

Our logo - black version..Read more

Summer Exhibition Gallery Shot

Summer Exhibition Gallery Shot

The interior of the gallery in June 2011, showing work by Nick Bodimeade, Barbara Macfarlane and Kate Boxer...Read more

Zimmer Stewart Gallery Sculpture Garden

Zimmer Stewart Gallery Sculpture Garden

The Zimmer Stewart Gallery Sculpture Garden showing Garden Angel by Christopher Marvell and large ceramic Urn by Chris Lewis...Read more

Wired Sussex Station Banner

Wired Sussex Station Banner

Our banner at Brighton Station!..Read more

Igt Workshop

Igt Workshop

"Raising Your Game"..Read more

Igt Workshop 2

Igt Workshop 2

"Raising Your Game"..Read more

Wired For Edu

Wired For Edu

A series of events aimed at helping our Members work with the Health, Tourism and Education sectors...Read more

Wired For Edu 2

Wired For Edu 2

A series of events aimed at helping our Members work with the Health, Tourism and Education sectors...Read more

Wired For Edu 3

Wired For Edu 3

A series of events aimed at helping our Members work with the Health, Tourism and Education sectors...Read more

Wired For Health

Wired For Health

A series of events aimed at helping our Members work with the Health, Tourism and Education sectors...Read more

Wired For Health 2

Wired For Health 2

A series of events aimed at helping our Members work with the Health, Tourism and Education sectors...Read more

The Skiff (Bridge)

The Skiff (Bridge)

Our local co-working space with public meeting rooms. This is The Bridge (the larger of the 2 meeting rooms)..Read more

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