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Great Hall

Great Hall

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Student, reading

Student, reading

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Book Chairs

Book Chairs

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Promotional photoshoot

Promotional photoshoot

Ages 2-4yrs on Tuesday 11-11.45am. Drop in sessions, £4 per session. Polly will teach in the guise of many different characters (her imaginary sisters!) to give themed sessions. Pirate, Princess, Superhero etc.....Read more

Polly and the kids

Polly and the kids

Another promo pic, ages 6-8years..Read more

2-4yrs class

2-4yrs class

2-4yrs class..Read more

Dance Skills

Dance Skills

Dance skills - improves co-ordination, balance and memory...Read more

Project Performers singing at Lupton's Christmas event

Project Performers singing at Lupton's Christmas event

Project Performers singing at Lupton's Christmas event 2012..Read more

Project Performers singing at Lupton's Christmas event

Project Performers singing at Lupton's Christmas event

Project Performers singing at Lupton's Christmas event..Read more

Summer workshop poster 2013

Summer workshop poster 2013

Poster for our very exciting summer project!..Read more

The Acorn Arts Centre Penzance

The Acorn Arts Centre Penzance

The Acorn Arts Centre in Penzance which I used to run until July 2017..Read more

"Dark Vanilla Jungle" by Ratchet Theatre Company Ltd

At the end of 2015 both I and actress Katie Bottoms set out on a journey to produce, direct and perform Philip Ridley's "Dark Vanilla Jungle" which we did over 3 years including a tour of the South West of England and a .....Read more

The Odeon Theatre, Bucharest

The Odeon Theatre, Bucharest

The Odeon Theatre Bucharest is a beautiful Victorian Theatre which I have the pleasure of taking a show to on behalf of students of ALRA (The Academy of Live and Recorded Art) in London. There are 2 performances, on 3rd.....Read more



Photo taken on the Falkland Islands part of the the "Travels" series...Read more



Part of the "Travels" collection. Taken on the Falkland Islands a very fun day with some amazing results..Read more

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