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Creative Cafe

Creative Cafe

The Creative Cafe Project is supported by Arts Council England..Read more

Animation concept 1

Animation concept 1

Animation concept for the Child & The Magic pilot, 2009..Read more

Animation concept 2

Animation concept 2

Animation concept for the Child & The Magic pilot, 2009..Read more

Animation concept 3

Animation concept 3

Animation concept for The Child & The Magic pilot, 2009..Read more

Animation concept 4

Animation concept 4

Animation concept for The Child & The Magic pilot, 2009..Read more

Animation concept 5

Animation concept 5

Animation concept for The Child & The Magic pilot, 2009..Read more

Animation concept 6

Animation concept 6

Animation concept for The Child & The Magic pilot, 2009..Read more

The Child & The Magic Poster

The Child & The Magic Poster

Poster for The Child & The Magic pilot event, 2009..Read more

The Lark ascending Paintings

The Lark ascending Paintings

See Outside In organisation involved in Environments exhibition selected by judges amongst Grayson Perry . Will be on show from October 28th until January 2020 in London at Piano Noble Art gallery London..Read more

Southampton City Heritage

Southampton City Heritage

Client: Southampton City Council Brief: To create illustrations for an educational brochure aimed at parents/school teachers from the neighboring cities and towns...Read more

Airing your Dirty Laundry

Airing your Dirty Laundry

Experimental, engaging, revealing - this relational art work was shown as part of 'Dirty Linen', emerging artist group XAP's recent exhibition at the Curious Duke Gallery, London. Visitors to the gallery were invited t.....Read more

The Psychotropic House - Residues

The Psychotropic House - Residues

Residues Installation (2.5m x 2m) January 2014 The traces of a former occupant’s obsession linger in the area designated as a study. Whose obsession? With what? And why? Inviting interaction and exploration, the d.....Read more

Flying Colours- community art

Flying Colours- community art

Roman inspired banners created as part of Flying Colours, a project that celebrated the welcoming of the Olympic Torch to St Albans, and the Paralympic Sports Festival in Verulamium Park. Sessions carried out at 8 school.....Read more

Olympic 2012 Recycled- community art

Olympic 2012 Recycled- community art

Using the official banners and bunting from the 2012 Games to create innovative sculptures based on 'Legacy'. Sessions carried out at Prae Wood Primary School and managed by SAASH...Read more



An Original Print created by a student on my PRINTING FROM MEMORY Workshops..Read more

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