LIz Sergeant

LIz Sergeant / News / Sat 30 Sep 2017

Virtuality Mortality

Virtuality Mortality

Liz Sergeant and London-based art collective XArtsProjects, are preparing for their forthcoming exhibition in Bermondsey, London from Saturday 14th - Sunday 15th October.

In a packed weekend programme, the international group of artists and technologists combine multi-sensory installations, interactive robotics, paint, machine learning, sculpture, video, print, audio and performance. Come, explore, take part!

They are investigating communication, tensions and potentials between the realms of the Real and Virtual, depicted as an intense ecology of digital, organic, human and machine; living, decaying, undead and reborn.

Experience the moment of ‘Unoriginal Sin’ via QR code; see the unseen ‘Last free NHS bed’; let an AI ransack your email and create a ’zine all about you; taste the Big Heap of decaying technology. Visit through the eyes of The (hu)Ma(n)chine; follow the trail of elusive messages from an other place; prepare yourself to forget; notify The System of the Final Wishes for your online self.

There will be participatory performances, ‘Tech Vet’ clinics for your sick gadgets, Big Draw workshops, artists’ tours and a final ‘Takedown/Breakdown performance… where does this waste go?’.

Saturday 14th Oct 11.00-22.00 / Opening Party 18.00-22.00
Sunday 15th Oct 11.00-17.00

For more information visit

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Ugly Duck

47/49 Tanner Street,
near Tower Bridge

Telephone: 07771 663 834

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