ItAintGonnaPlayItself Find out who you are when you play guitar!!!!
A unique approach to guitar tuition/coaching formulated from over 30 years experience of live, studio & creative focuses. Laced with a psychological flavour, this ever evolving technique gives the individual a freedom & can release a yet untapped musical expression.
View my website http://www.itaintgonnaplayitself.com/
My Location
Byde Street
SG14 3AR
Telephone: 07710 892 868
Email: itaintgonnaplayitself@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.itaintgonnaplayitself.com/
My Events
Rob Clydesdale - Live at The White Horse / Sat 29 Jun 2013
It Ain't Gonna Play Itself presents - Rob Clydesdale at The White Horse, Hertford from 9pm. Excellent Ale pub.
My Videos
Based On A True Story - Rob Clydesdale
This video is the latest song I wrote involving percussive guitar techniques.
My Audio
Hide And Seek
This song is from the forthcoming album from Rob Clydesdale. All right reserved.