IMS Marketing / Events / Fri 13 Jan 2012

Exploiting Creative Thinking

Following a £2.8m refurbishment of the Manor House and Stableyard Craft Centre and the construction of a brand new Seachange Craft Centre, the first ‘2nd Friday’ breakfast networking meeting will take place on Friday 13 January at Cockington Court Craft Centre.

With over 20 art and craft tenants in Cockington Court Craft Centre, the focus for this meeting will be ‘Exploiting Creative Thinking’ and our guest speaker will be Peter Redstone from Barefoot Thinking.

Peter, with his wife Suzanne, started the UK’s first organic ice cream enterprise – Rocombe Farm Fresh Ice Cream before selling the company to Yeo Valley in 2000. Since then, Peter has been working with Google and Stanford University in the States as well as many high profile clients in the UK, helping them to develop creative thinking skills in the workplace.

The agenda for 13 January at Cockington Court Craft Centre is:
8.30 Arrive, refreshments and networking
9.00 Welcome, Adrian Sheen
9.05 Expoiting Creative Thinking, Peter Redstone
9.25 Networking
10.00 CLOSE

This event, supported by Designed in Devon, aims to encourage local designers and creative companies to network with local businesses.

To help us plan for this event, please reply using the link below if you wish to attend.

For more information visit

Event Location

Cockingon Court

