Huddersfield Choral Society / News / Sun 12 Sep 2021
Season (Subscriber) Tickets Now Available!

Please contact Jane, our Subscriber Secretary for more information.
Apply now for a subscription (season ticket) for all three concerts (prices below).
janearmitage6@gmail.com or ring 07834 345211
Our exciting proposed subscriber concert programme in Huddersfield Town Hall is as follows:
Subscriber Autumn Concert 1
Friday 29 October 2021 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. (No interval)
Parry - I was Glad
Eric Whitacre - Cloud Burst
Sarah Quartel - How can I keep from singing
Elgar - Go Song of Mine
Bernstein - Chichester Psalms
Conductor - Gregory Batsleer
Subscriber Concert 2 Messiah
Tuesday 14 December 2021 at 7.15 p.m.
Handel - Messiah
Orchestra - Royal Northern Sinfonia
Conductor - Gregory Batsleer Soloists to be confirmed.
Subscriber Spring Concert 3
Saturday 02 April 2022 7.30 p.m.
Bach - St John Passion
Orchestra - Manchester Camerata
Conductor - Greg Batsleer
Subscriber Season ticket prices for the 2021-22 season are:
Balcony Centre £110; Balcony Curve £110; Side balcony £105; Balcony windows £72; Windows H1-5, H20-27, H42-46 £60.
1st area £70 2nd area £42 Gallery £25 Side stalls £20
These prices include a discount on the October concert.
For more information visit https://blog.huddersfieldchoral.com/we-really-will-sing/
News Location
Huddersfield Town Hall
Telephone: 07834 345 211
Email: janearmitage6@gmail.com
Website: https://blog.huddersfieldchoral.com/we-really-will-sing/