Saturday 7th - Sunday 29th September
Open daily 11am - 5.30pm except Mondays
Adults: £5 Child: £2.50 Concessions £3
The Heathercombe EDGE Sculpture Trail is an annual arts event sited in the beautiful Fairy Wood at Heathercombe, Manaton, Dartmoor.
The EDGE represents work from all parts of the community, with professional artists showing along-side work made by a range community groups, producing a rich and diverse creative experience for both participants and visitors.
It is our intention that The EDGE continues to evolve as an experimental and inclusive arts platform for the South West. The sculpture trail is a celebration of talented local professional artists and makers, and the role of the arts as a transformative process.
The EDGE Sculpture trail will be open to the public between the above dates with family-focused weekend programmes of talks, discussions and workshops including story-telling, bush-craft, permaculture and hands-on art and craft sessions and more!
Meet the artists on the trail on Sunday 8th and 15th!
Workshop leaders for Saturday 7th: Aranya, Chris Salisbury, Sara Hurley, Eve Malster, Bridget Arnold
Workshop leaders for Saturday 14th: Kaludia Van Gool, Maggi Squire, Mel Bambury, Shirley Phillips, Judith Rosemund
Telephone: 07791601737
email: high@heathercombe.com
For more information visit http://heathercombe.com/Heathercombe/Edge_Exhibition.html