Parkinson’s West-Herts were keen to produce a short film to raise awareness of the disease – a cause close to our hearts – for the #UniteforParkinsons campaign on World Parkinson’s Day.
One of the beneficiaries, Hilary, kindly volunteered to take part and Victoria spoke to her on the phone ahead of the shoot to understand some of the challenges Parkinson’s brought to her daily life. On the day of the shoot, in order to demonstrate these key challenges, Victoria sensitively asked if Hilary would be up for a bit of ‘acting’ to draw these out and Hilary kindly agreed to walk us through her morning routine.
On an average week, their website would expect to have about 60 users and 250 page views yet, on this one day they saw a terrific lift in the figures, reaching 2,263 people and had 865 video views!
The film was officially selected and awarded at Watford Short Film Festival 2018.
“An excellent video – spot on with the right balance of the difficulties that people with Parkinson’s face and the importance of having support and being part of a group”. The local Parkinson’s Group
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