Green Man Quilts is the creative home of Sheena Roberts. That’s me! I have been sewing since I was tiny and creating patchwork quilts for almost as long.
It was my Great Aunt Mary (Mary the Great!) that started me off on the path to becoming a good stitcher. It had been strongly suggested at school that I didn’t continue with the sewing classes, after I cut my skirt along the fold line of the pattern, made a pigs ear of the french seams in the nightie and did who knows what damage to the domestic science apron (all we had to do was hem it and chain stitch our initials!). Those were the 3 projects for that year! Dismal! But I went home, told Auntie Mary about it and in a weekend she taught me more than I had learnt in the whole year. And inspired me to crate things of beauty! I entered – and got first prize in the dressmaking competition at school the next year!
Laura Ashley fed my passion for colour by selling me various bags of fabric – off-cuts, pre-cut hexagons – the lot, and with these I started my journey into quilt making.
I had someone who did not give up on me – and that has influenced me.
My passion is in sharing skills – through classes, small groups and individual tuition; and in making things that are to be used and that are made from materials that are to hand.
I would love to share that passion with you
View my website
My Location
5 Stamford Rd
WD17 4QS
Telephone: 01923 252 848
My Events
Introduction to Machine Patchwork - AutumnTerm 2015 / Tue 15 Sep to Thu 10 Dec 2015 (3 months)
Suitable for complete beginners and those with some experience. A range of techniques will be covered including • rotary cutting, • getting the best from your sewing machine, • making colour choices, • machine pi...
Craft Saturdays / Sat 07 Feb to Sat 05 Dec 2015 (10 months)
Come and spend a day experimenting with a new craft. These dates are for groups of up to 6 people, so lots of individual attention. These days will run from 10 - 4.30 and will cost £40 each. Tea, coffee and all material...
UFO Day / Tue 18 Aug 2015
UFO day - a chance to work in a supportive group with an experienced tutor to complete projects that may have been hanging around for years! UFO = Un-Finished Object, also known as WIP (Work in progress) and countles...