Hertford Dramatic and Operatic

Hertford Dramatic and Operatic / Events / Wed 25 to Sat 28 Mar 2020 (4 days)

Going Green

Going Green

An acerbic political comedy drama which takes a sharp look at many of the issues facing us today. Do we trust our politicians to be honest, to have morals, to do the best for our country, to save the world from extinction? Sound familiar?

John Brown, future leader of the Green Party, is a man with vision and charisma - but a man with a problem. The play opens with him giving a farewell speech at the annual conference after finding he has a mystery illness forcing him to quit politics. The party faithful cheer him as a hero as he delivers his final, stark message "Go green...or die." Those words soon become a story that will have the audience laughing to the final curtain.

For more information visit https://www.hdos.org.uk/v9/

Event Location

Studio Theatre, Bentley House

Pegs Lane
SG13 8EG

Email: hdos@hdos.org.uk
Website: https://www.hdos.org.uk/v9/

Event Details
