Gilli Higgs

Gilli Higgs / Spaces

Unlimited Art Studio Space

Unlimited Art Studio Space

Don't have your own studio? Use the Unlimited Studio as your own personal, creative workspace. Pre-arranged Studio Days are available for artists or creatives who would like to do their own artwork, possibly alongside another artist. You can hire the studio for either a day or half day, or even take a block booking, between 10am - 6pm. All you need to do in advance is to contact me, book the space for agreed dates, bring your own equipment & materials & then create away.

The studio is situated in a barn in a very tranquil setting approx. 3 miles south of Chichester town centre. If you'd like to take a peek first, just contact me to arrange a viewing. Alternatively, visit the "Workshops/Retreats" page on my website.

For more information visit

Space Location

Unlimited Studio

Saltham Barns, Saltham Lane, Runcton, W.Sx
PO20 1PU

Telephone: 07939 294 999

Space Details
