Wonderful outdoor activities for all ages. We have been running events in the area for six years.
Earth Beneath Your Feet runs:
- fabulous events just for dads and their children. Our next event is a Pirate Beach Adventure on Sat 22 Sept - only £15 per dad with children free. e: earthbeneathyourfeet@gmail.com
- fabulous events just for mums and their children. Contact us for more information.
- family Forest School activities in local woodlands with tracking, cooking, den-building, spotting, hiding and exploring. Great for an unusual day out or a birthday party.
- celebration events. Maybe it's your birthday or anniversary soon? Why not celebrate at a secluded sandy beach with a wild-food meal or a swim in a remote river with friends?
- personal guided visits to the most remote and beautiful parts of South Devon. You won't believe how many secret and unspoilt spots there are - with a personal guide you can explore, learn about the local landscape, forage for food and enjoy an amazing meal with no-one nearby. Really energising! Ideal for individuals and couples - an anniversary, birthday or honeymoon treat?
Fully-qualified staff and 1st aid-trained. We do risk assessments on all activities. Relax, explore, enjoy & be inspried by the Earth beneath your feet. Transport can be arranged. We will supply most equipment - you just need to come along and have fun.
Prices are really competitive. Contact: earthbeneathyourfeet@gmail.com
My Location
Telephone: 01803 840 990
Email: earthbeneathyourfeet@gmail.com
My Events
Pirate Beach Adventure / Sat 22 Sep 2012
Calling all dads & male carers across South Devon with children aged 6 & over - the best dad’s group ever! Pirate Beach Adventure Shipwrecked... how do you survive? Learn what you can eat, how to light a fire, coo...