Doorstep@ is part of Doorstep Arts and is a drop in drama group specifically for young people between the ages of 11 - 19 years of age.
Doorstep@The Edge -
a weekly session every Saturday morning during term time from 10am - 12pm for young people between the ages of 11 - 19 years. This takes place at The Edge, Bolton Street, Brixham. We currently ask for £3 per session. It is a drama group that is young person led. It is fun, creative and exciting. We work with improvisation, devising, movement, film making and image theatre to name just a few. We play really fun drama games and also work towards devised performances.
Doorstep@The Acorn
a weekly session every Wednesday during term time from 5pm - 6pm for young people between the ages of 11 - 19 years. This takes place at The Acorn Centre, Torquay. We currently ask for £2 per session. The group is young person led. It is fun, creative and exciting. We work with improvisation, devising, movement, image theatre to name just a few. We play really fun drama games and also work towards devised performances.
Doorstep@ regularly perform their creations to family, friends and members of the public. Wether this be a full performance, scratch performance or a sharing of the work we have been doing through the term.
The feedback we get from members of Doorstep@ is that its great fun, creative and great for building confidence.
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My Location
Telephone: 07531 907 183
My News
Auditions - February 2013 / Sat 01 Dec 2012
Exciting, fun, dynamic and engaging 3 committed members of Juicy Theatre really want to perform DNA and need a larger cast; so they are planning and leading an audition process to find the right young people to take ...
New Scripts / Tue 27 Nov 2012
We are really excited to be choosing a new script to be working on in January, we are planning and preparing for an audition for other young people to enter and get a chance to be involved in a new Juicy performance :)
My Events
Juicy Theatre Brixham / Sat 17 Jan 2015
Are you aged between 11-19 years? Are you interested in devising and performing new theatre? Then Juicy Theatre Brixham is for you… Every Saturday during term time from 10am-12pm, starting on Satu...
The Academy / Sat 05 Jul 2014
Juicy Theatre Brixham have devised a new piece of theatre called 'The Academy', based on a fictional dysfunctional school. It is guaranteed to make you laugh. We are asking for donations and all proceeds will go to Y...
The Novice Detective / Fri 15 Nov 2013
Young people at Juicy Theatre are working with Kate Green from Villages In Action to become 'Young Promoters'. They are promoting, supporting and hosting a nationally touring one-woman comedy-theatre-storytelling at T...