
Profiles / Businesses / Media production / 1 to 15 of 95

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Actors And Casting Collective

The South Devon Actors And Casting Collective

A new site showcasing performers from South Devon. Acts like a casting agency but is non-profit. Membership or seeking performers is free...Read more

People's Republic of South Devon

arts, the environment, current affairs

• latest news: Torquay Town Hall could be the Bay's new arts centre for more read: The People's Republic of South Devon has been covering arts, the environment and current affairs s.....Read more


the world of film in Devon and Cornwall

Covering all the films and filmmaking activities of the region, D+CFilm also promotes the development of the industry. We are part of the team behind the View From Here series of events, which celebrates moving image in .....Read more



Arts+Culture is an information initiative that aims to spread the word of the arts and culture scene on every level, in the most appropriate way, while being as sustainable as possible. Read the online magazine for free.....Read more



ClubTQ is a Music, Arts & Media Management Company based in Torquay. Working closely with the tourist industry, our mission is to establish the Southwest as the first choice of the discerning cultural tourist. Check out.....Read more


Video Production

Hello, We are a Video production company based in Torbay, Southampton and Bournemouth. We're both studying TV Production degree's; Anne-Marie Alexander (see directory) at Southampton Solent Uni and Ryan Biercewicz at Bo.....Read more

Mojo Sound Studios

Mojo Sound Studios

Situated in the seaside town of Torquay, we record and produce all genres of music in a relaxing, vibey environment. With probably one of the best live rooms in the south west of England and top class equipment and highl.....Read more

Soundart Radio / community radio for the Totnes area, art radio for everywhere

Soundart Radio

community radio for the Totnes area, art radio for everywhere

LISTEN Soundart Radio is an independent, non-commercial, licensed community radio station. We reach audiences locally, nationally and internationally. Listen live online, or tune in to 102.5 FM if you are in the Totne.....Read more

Focus On Media

Focus on Media

Focus on Media, is a local company offering expert skills in Video Production, Media Design, Radio Communications and Event management. We can offer many solutions to your needs. For more information please feel free to .....Read more

Relegate Records

About Relegate Records

Relegate Records is the first urban record label to come out of the southwest with it's new and upcoming artist's Jay C and Rebelus Maximus. There are a few tracks of theirs uploaded on myspace which are from their upcom.....Read more

Peter Stephens Photography

Peter Stephens Photography

I specialise in providing high quality interactive photography, 360 panoramic virtual tours and commercial digital photography. Based in Exeter, Devon I accept commissions from all over the Uk. Services include: Prope.....Read more

South West Screen

South West Screen

The South West is home to a multitude of creative businesses at the cutting edge of their fields, from website designers and gaming developers to animators and post-production houses. These kind of ‘knowledge-intensive’ .....Read more

Machine Media

Machine Media

A vibrant video production company based in Devon. Machine Media specialises in broadcast-quality films that can be embedded in websites, burned onto DVDs or uploaded onto social networking sites. The award-winning team .....Read more

John Reynolds

John Reynolds online media production

I used to work in the traditional media in the West Country. Left that for fourteen years of marketing and PR with agencies worldwide. Having had a year off I am now working locally in media production and digital market.....Read more



ViewfromHere09 A celebration of moving image in South Devon Saturday, November 28 – Friday, December 4 2009 More exciting than ever, View from Here is a short film festival that embrace all forms of moving image created.....Read more

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