Do you ever visit a building or a place and get a strange feeling about the past and what has happened at that spot in years gone by? This happened to me whilst shooting rural scenes from Berry Pomeroy Churchyard, deep in the Devon countryside in South West England. I was captivated by the way the ancient graves were sitting at odd angles and found myself going into a kind of dream sequence where I could clearly see ladies from the Victorian, Georgian and even earlier periods -all standing there looking straight at me. The experience inspired this rather spooky work entitled 'Sisters' using images gleaned from very old postcards and original photographs of Devon ladies and of course the graveyard at Berry Pomeroy.
For more information visit https://www.artfinder.com/product/sisters-6f69/
Image Location
Telephone: 07703 440 777
Email: colin@colincadle.co.uk
Website: https://www.artfinder.com/product/sisters-6f69/