If You’d Like to….. Albuquerque is a fun audio installation with strong adaptive potentials that prepares us to inhabit imaginative worlds and the lives of other creatures, re- jigging patterns of thought and culture into new and surprising constellations for the 21st Century.
This engaging promo- video has helped win Artists Anna Keleher and Claire Coté a place in the ¨Machine Wilderness¨ Exhibition, Albuquerque, USA. The show takes place as part of ISEA 2012 International Symposium on Electronic Art and Nature and will show the work of an exciting array of artists from around the world.
Machine Wilderness Sept 20th 2012 - 6th Jan 2013, 516 Arts, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A
For more information visit http://516arts.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=175:isea2012-albuquerque-machine-wilderness-fall-2012&catid=56:collab