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Price Reductions

Fri 18 Sep 2015

Price Reductions

Good news on the austerity front. To celebrate the finalisation of the second book in the Maven series all of my Kindle books have been reduced to jus.....Read more

Rose Cook has a new book of poetry

Sat 20 Jul 2013

Rose Cook has a new book of poetry

Rose Cook’s Notes From a Bright Field is ‘a single quiet path, in and out’, capturing the transitory beauties of the everyday: a mother’s ashes imagin.....Read more

Haunted Hourglass Launched

Wed 21 Sep 2011

Haunted Hourglass Launched

Haunted Hourglass has now launched, a UK wide social enterprise based in Torbay. Our aim is: To bring together writers , artists, graphic design.....Read more

New local history book release

Wed 03 Jun 2015

New local history book release

An important new book is available at Torre Abbey. Beautiful plates and full of local history. Devon's Torre Abbey by Michael Rhodes...Read more

New Illustrators Group

Tue 29 Oct 2013

New Illustrators Group

If you are a brand new or established illustrator living in Torbay or the surrounding areas (or are just passionate about illustration) then we'd love.....Read more

A poem about a proposal of sorts

Mon 19 Sep 2011

A poem about a proposal of sorts

This is a poem i wrote about when you boyfriend informally propsed with a haribo ring :D He dragged me to a shop, And smiled at me non-stop. He .....Read more

A poem about time no mattering

Mon 19 Sep 2011

A poem about time no mattering

This is a peom i wrote about how i dont care how fast i have fallen in love because true love doesnt care about one falls slowly, and i hav.....Read more


Sun 17 Dec 2017


I'm very happy to announce that the 2nd book of the FOLK OF THE TWILL trilogy is out, at last. To celebrate this event, the first e-book is FREE until.....Read more

A peom about belonging

Mon 19 Sep 2011

A peom about belonging

This is a poem about how comfortable and at home i feel with my boyfriend: The feeling of knowing your where you belong, Finding the boy from scho.....Read more

'Devon Tales' book launch

Mon 28 Apr 2014

'Devon Tales' book launch

I lead Torbay U3A Creative Writing Group, and we recently celebrated the publication of an anthology of our work with a ‘Book Launch Lunch’ at the Dev.....Read more

A poem about moodswings

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about moodswings

This is a poem about me feeling all over the place because I kept having mood swings: Up and Down, Up and Down go my moods as they fling , As unsu.....Read more

A poem to about dislike

Mon 12 Sep 2011

A poem to about dislike

This is a poem about someone who i really dont like.... A stitch in time saves nine, So shut up please dont whine. You brought it upon yourself,.....Read more

A poem about hope

Sun 04 Sep 2011

A poem about hope

This is a poem i wrote about finding hope. Its a poem i hope i can look back on and smile when things get tough: This time this one is just for us .....Read more

A amusing poem about my boyfriend

Sun 04 Sep 2011

A amusing poem about my boyfriend

This is a funny poem about my boyfriend, the picture shows what i mean about his frown as it is what he usually looks like : All good things come t.....Read more

Another poem about love

Thu 01 Sep 2011

Another poem about love

This is a poem I wrote about falling in love with my boyfriend and how people thought it was too soon to feel so strongly: The finest details seem .....Read more

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